Daily Duties/Responsibilities of office (Not required, but previous experience is helpful): Knowledge of accounting principals, banking, and report preparation. Availability once a month for signing of transaction reports.
JOB DESCRIPTION (Taken from the Local 80 Constitution and By-Laws)
Section I, Term of Office (from 1985): The Board of Trustees shall consist of three (3) members to be elected from the membership and shall be elected every three (3) years commencing in 1986.
Section II, Meetings of the Board: The members of the Board of Trustees shall hold at least one meeting each month prior to the Executive Board meeting: The senior member to act as Chairperson.
Section III, Supervision of Finances: The Board of Trustees shall have general supervision of the finances and securities of the Local.
Section IV, Check and Approval of Annual Audit: They shall check and approve the Auditor’s report at the end of each fiscal year.
Section V, Approval of Bills: No clause
Section VI, Signing of Bills: No clause
Section VII, Bonding Approval: The Board of Trustees shall approve the Bond of all Bonded Officers.
Section VIII, Duty of Solvency: Whenever the expenses of the Local exceed the income it shall be the duty of the Trustees to recommend to the Executive Board the proper assessments to overcome the deficit.