President Announcement

The March 5th General membership meeting will be held in person at the Hall. The consensus of the Executive board , zoom committee and I is that there is not enough time to have a hybrid meeting this Sunday. Thank you for your patience. The April meeting will be Hybrid.

In order to attend the meeting , you must be a member in good standing. If you are unsure or behind, please check with accounting before coming to the meeting.

At the November 6, 2022 General Membership meeting there will be two amendments to the constitution up for debate and vote. Section XXI Office Vacancy  and Article IV President. They can be found at


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As we come out of our summer hiatus and get back to holding regular General Membership Meetings. The October 2 meeting will be held in person at the Local as directed by International President Matthew D. Loeb. We have been working on getting a waiver to hold meetings in a hybrid format affording equal participation in person and on zoom. Hopefully the November General Membership Meeting can be held as a hybrid if all goes well.


In Solidarity,


Dana Baker

President, IATSE Local 80

(REMINDER: Bring your Local 80 Union Card for access to the General Membership Meeting)