Local 80 Members Voting Information
On November 8, 2021, you will receive a test Email from Honest Ballot, an independent vote administrator that will be conducting the Contract Ratification Vote on Friday November 12, 2021, through Sunday November 14, 2021. This vote is being held online. the Test Email is to determine if we have your correct email address. If you do not see an email from Honest Ballot in your inbox, check your promotions folder, your spam folder, your Junk folder, or type in HonestBallot into the mail search window. If you receive the Test Email, then all is fine and you will receive your ballot by email on Friday, November 12, 2021. If you do not receive the Test Email you should contact the Local 80 Accounting Office (818-526-0700 *1) and update your contact information with your correct email address.