Special Election for President
Dear Member:
A review of our files indicate that you do not have an email address on file with Local 80.
This letter is to inform you that in order to vote in the upcoming Special Election at the Regular
General Membership Meeting on Sunday, March 6, your either have to have an email
address on file so that you can be sent a Zoom link to enable you to attend and vote at the
meeting via Zoom, or, not having an email address on file, you are invited to attend the meeting
in person. Only those members who are on the list of members not attending via Zoom will be
allowed to attend in person.
All members attending the meeting in person must abide by the Local’s and County’s rules and
protocols concerning Covid, including wearing a proper mask at all times while inside the
meeting and social distancing requirements.
The meeting will take place on the Local 80 stage, and begins at 10 AM.
Only the member receiving this letter will be allowed on the Stage, no guests will be allowed.
In order to maintain the safe number of occupants on the stage, I request that you call the
Local at (818) 526-0700 menu option 2 if you plan to attend the meeting.
Thank you.
Jonathan McAdams, Chairman
Local 80 Election Committee