July 2, 2021
Dear sisters and brothers,
Wishing each and everyone of you a happy Fourth of July.
I am sending this out to give you an update on the status of the negotiations for the Return-to-Work Agreement and the negotiations for the Basic Agreement.
As most of you know, the Return-to-Work Agreement expired on Thursday, June 30. I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Return-to-Work Agreement was an agreement that was negotiated by the AMPTP and a multi union coalition consisting of the IATSE, DGA, SAG/AFTRA and Teamsters. The negotiations over the updating of the protocols were not completed and therefore the negotiations were extended into next week which means that negotiations for the Basic Agreement have been rescheduled as well.
The safety of our members is our primary concern. The Return-to-Work agreement is especially important since although it may feel as if the pandemic is over, the infection rate is still a very real concern. Also, it is important that there is one set of protocols that applies for each company. Uniformity across the industry is important. Some of the issues that are being dealt with are test frequency, mask wearing and what will be required of non- vaccinated crew members versus those that have been vaccinated. This is an important and pressing matter.
We were scheduled to return to negotiations for the Basic Agreement on Tuesday, July 6, 2021. Because the Return-to-Work negotiations have not been completed the negotiations the date had to be rescheduled to resume on August 17.
In the meantime, be on the look out for materials from the #IASOLIDARITY. By now everyone should have received a sticker in the mail as part of the campaign. Please note that a sticker was mailed to every member, but when the mail house sent the stickers out, there was some sort of issue whereby the wrong name was placed on the mailing address. We will be fanning out to distribute more stickers and placards. We are asking that you use them to show your solidarity in achieving a Contract that addresses our priorities. Take a picture and share it. Let everyone know that you stand with your union as we fight to improve the lives of all our members.
In solidarity,
Thom Davis